I will be charging $300.00 for the total package above. I will also be offering Sliding Scale or payment plans for
those that can't pay it all or pay in full. If you are worried that you don't have that much money, please contact me I feel
that everyone deserves to have a doula present at their birth money should not be an option, I will also use a barter system
or anything we could figure out, please contact me for more information or any questions!
Post Partum Doula will be offered at 15.00 an hour. Services that will be offered will be watching the baby so that mom
can get a break such as a nap or maybe just to take a much needed shower.
Watching your other children so that you can tend to the baby.
making some meals at your house that you can freeze and eat at a later time.
Do some errands for you that you need done.
Tending to your phone and taking messages for the mother so that mom can spend some time with their partner
anything you need to have done as far as tidying up your house etc.
I will also offer a different at so much per day. That can be discussed over the phone or in person/internet.
Please feel free to email me or call me at anytime for any question or concern you may have. I would love to be of help
to you and your family during this wonderful time!